When providing advisory services within financial restructuring processes, Carlson Capital Partners is driven by the aim to achieve n optimal financing structure with the lowest possible costs of debt. Our success in financial restructuring has been achieved thanks to many years of experience in financial and legal analysis of liabilities, extensive contacts among financial institutions and excellent negotiating skills.
Restructuring processes start with a comprehensive legal and financial analysis. Financial analyses above all relate to the creditworthiness and future capacity to service debts. Legal analyses of restructured companies largely concentrate on an assessment of the financial terms of credits and the value of security required by the banks.
Having conducted these analyses, we indicate the optimal structure of debt and equity. In terms of debt restructuring our aim is to negotiate more favourable credit terms. We achieve favourable credit terms by concentrating debt in a small number of banks or with other banks that the company has not previously used. Another significant factor for success is the presentation to creditor banks of a detailed business plan according to which the debt would be repaid. A significant element in restructuring processes also includes an appropriate information campaign among banks servicing corporate customers, thanks to which one can analyse the offers of the banks in more detail. The final stage in the entire financial restructuring process consists of skilful negotiation of the new loan conditions.
In cases where all bank sources of finance have been exhausted, we often carry out processes of searching for a financial partner among private equity funds which are prepared to accept a higher risk in a situation when the company can generate a return on the invested capital at a level around 30%.